About Our Flock

Easton Suffolks are a high Health status flock, they are Maedi-Visna (MV) accredited and predominately a closed flock, with just the occasional ram entering for new genetics. The flock was first established in 2003 primarily to produce rams for our commercial North Country Cheviot ewe flock.
I wanted to breed a pedigree flock with good conformation, finer bones for lambing ease, tight skins for hardiness (at the time reared at 1200ft on exposed hillside), high growth rates with great muscle depth. While also concerntrating on other favourable attributes including lamb vigour, maternal ability and sound feet. For this reason we started performance recording in 2004. And have successfully been selling High Index Rams to both commercial and pedigree farmers at Kelso ram sale since 2006 and Stirling ram Rendezvous since 2013.
While we no longer have our commercial flock and have moved to slightly lower ground level (900ft) our ethos remains the same.
Currently I'm running between 50 and 60 home bred breeding ewes, which lamb at the end of March. Only the very best lambs get kept to become shearlings and gimmers. With the remainder entering the Fat market. All lambs are weighed at birth, 8 weeks of age and 21 weeks of age. They also get ultrasound scanned for muscle and fat at 21 weeks and the best 10 ram lambs then get CT Scanned in September for Signet Performance recording analysis.
All my current ewes and gimmers have an Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) in the Top 5% or above within the Suffolk breed.
For my latest signet performance recording figures press the button opposite.
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